
At Neighborhood Pharmacy, we work hard to provide you with the best service you will find anywhere. It is time you experience the difference for yourself.

Services that we offer are:

free delivery

Free Delivery

From our store to your door! We are happy to deliver your medications for FREE to your home in the zip codes of 22301, 22305, 22314 and 22302.

Refill online using our website or with our Smartphone app.

Ask us how you can get the app for your phone!

Text or email notifications when prescriptions are ready.

Or if you prefer, we are happy to call you as well. We want to reach you the way you like best.

Free Medication Reviews to All New Customers

You can’t provide quality health care without having the total health picture of your patients. That’s why we provide free medication reviews to all new customers. We will provide you with an assessment of your current medication regimen, make recommendations and discuss any problems with your doctor(s). This is an excellent opportunity to ask any health care question you have in a relaxed, non-rushed environment.

Compounding and medication flavoring.

Let us customize your medications to meet your individual needs.

Compliance packaging for medical-at-home and group homes.

We can package your medications into easy-to-store and use blister packs — never forget to take your daily dose again.

Compounding and Specialized Pet Medications

We specialize in preparing veterinary medications for your four-legged friends.